Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am not a huge movie buff and there are not many movies i will spend my money buying or waste my time watching a second time but I found one. The movie is called Taking Chance, based on a true story, its about a man who volunteers to escort the body of a fallen soldier back to his home. It shows the proses and the respect that he got as he was on his way back to his family. I'm not going to lie, I cried but it brought a new perspective to the soldiers who have died and Iraq. If I knew how I would have down loaded the trailer but I couldn't figure it out, so here is the link so you can watch it. http://www.hbo.com/films/takingchance/video/video.html

1 comment:

Pili girl~ said...

YUP! I loved this movie too. I cried. =)